Copyright © 2024 Brookfield Troop 5. All rights reserved.


Campouts: Every month, the troop goes on a campout. On each campout, scouts set up and sleep in their own tents and do various activities. Every campout has a theme whether it is Wilderness Survival, Orienteering, or Ice Climbing, there is always something fun to do. One example of activities we might do while camping is building our own shelters out of materials from the forest and sleeping in the shelter for a night. One big camping trip we take is to Camp Sequassen for summer camp. We stay there for 6 nights.

Day Trips: A couple times a year, Boy Scouts will go on Day trips. Some examples of day trips are rock climbing, hiking , and a skiing and snowboarding trip. They are always enjoyable.

Spring Historic Trips: ​Every spring, we have a 3 night campout at a location farther than usual where we learn a little bit of history. In the past we have gone to Gettysburg, Boston, Bennington VT, Niagara Falls Canada. Sometimes we will do cool activities such as watch a baseball game, or go on a hike. Overall, while learning the history of something, spring trips are a lot of fun.

Click here for some important files regarding camping, hiking, and other trips.

Campouts and Trips