
Copyright © 2024 Brookfield Troop 5. All rights reserved.


Throughout the year, we have various fundraisers to raise money for the troop. These fundraisers include selling, delivering, and spreading mulch, selling candy, and picking up Christmas trees.

Earnings: The money earned goes towards expensive campouts like summer camp or the spring historic trip and to help afford troop gear such as tents, tarps, stoves, and many other important pieces of equipment.

Mulch: The mulch fundraiser takes place in the Spring. Scouts are given the chance to walk around their neighborhood and ask people if they would like to buy mulch. As a patrol, we set up booths at churches and other local public locations. Lastly, the troop will post flyers all around town to help spread the word about the mulch fundraiser.

Christmas Trees: Lastly, in the Winter, scouts are driven around town collecting old Christmas trees that people no longer want. Members of the community are asked to give a small donation to help the scouts raise money. This is a nice way to be kind to the community while raising some money for the troop.